Field Measures
& Drive Tests
Activity performed immediately after swap. Includes Single Site Verification and monitorization (48h Site Check).
Considering the site geolocation, site configuration HW & SW, parameters template, and reference KPIs, this activity will perform respective Planning Validation, Baseline / Template Validation, and Mobility parameters validation. It will also contemplate Health Checks, Alarms Check, Features Check, and Performance analysis. In case of need, it will be handling Change Requests. In the end, a Site Stability Report will be produced considering cells at an individual level.
Aiming to maintain or improve the performance of the network to allow acceptance of the Cluster using the defined KPIs and Thresholds.
Taking the reference KPIs report and Custer readiness information into account, this stage will address all related activities to produce a progress report with agreed KPI status summary (dashboard fashion). It will include detailed information about RF optimization, Parameter optimization, Neighbor optimization, Worst Cell list (WCL) analysis and Change Requests for the recommended changes. Under the same scope a summary of Initial Optimization actions and site level report will be presented for all cells. The related acceptance report can also be drafted upon agreement.
During project deployment and optimization phase it may be required to define a drive test route to cover the entire area of each Cluster. This is needed to identify the problematic areas and assure readiness for acceptance.
Based on that and supported on the logfiles of the drive tests executed, a drive test report, containing the performance indicators defined, coverage, service and quality maps, list of problematic areas and its analysis (DT KPI, events and plot analysis after each DT) will be produced.
Included in that analysis it will also be proposed, troubleshooting and recommendations for KPI and coverage improvement after IDT.
In the end, a final report will be wrapping up this phase.